Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

08 February, 2015

How works an electric cooler: Cell peltier

We pack a cooler for the curious

Well, after a temporadilla almost no entries, I think this summer will not you going to complain;.)We'll start with this entry, in which he disarmed a cooler of those that plug into the car (or home if you adapt one transformer least 5 amps and 12 volts), to discover another fascinating use of semiconductors (thermoelectric effect) and electricity: The Peltier cells .

19 January, 2015

Can there be life on other planets? Conditions for its existence

Panspermia, a theory for the origin of life
Is there life on other planets? Is it possible? What circumstances would have to be for life as we know it on our planet Earth, which develops exuberantly, it is of other planets? What are the chances that life on other planets, however distant they are?
And the most important question, whether there is any possibility, but the distance makes communication impossible, Could there intelligent life on those planets? 

Since man is set at the stars, these questions have arisen him , pounding his mind, as some of the big questions that should be answered in our modern times. In this informative article will try to find an answer. One day, a scientist tried to estimate the chances of life on other planets would simply calculating statistically your chances as variables sine-qua-non life exist on earth. And the result, he estimates and assumptions on the variables involved, indicated that 10 civilizations would be detectable. It was about the Drake equation , which took into account several variables to calculate this possibility, but that is not considered valid (even you can considered science) because it depends on a highly subjective statistical approaches, can give very different results, plus it did not take into account important elements for life not then know and we will see now. Maybe the variables taken into account were very ambiguous, based on mere conjecture; but if we go to the merits, we are on track, because how what conditions have to have a planet so that it can develop life ? That is the million dollar question ... scientists have different opinions, and although I am not one of them, if we follow the logic and my (few, I must say) knowledge of the origin of life and the influence of several factors that make the earth a perfect breeding ground for her culture, can draw some interesting conclusions.

The origin of life